
Stewards of Trinidad and Tobago’s natural resources and environment meeting current and future human, ecological and economic needs

Our Vision

Within the context of the EMA's mandate, stakeholder expectations and the priorities of sustainability, productivity, innovation and collaboration, the EMA's Vision is: "Stewards of Trinidad and Tobago's natural resources and environment meeting current and future human, ecological and economic needs."

Our Mission

In the achievement of the Authority's Vision, the Mission supports same by seeking to ensure that: "We are committed to sustainably manage the natural resources and environment by providing a transparent framework to facilitate policy and decision making in development. This will be undertaken within an approved regulatory system, utilising intensive public education and a collaborative cross-sectoral approach"

Strategic Plan

Environmental Management Authority's Strategic Plan 2022 - 2026

Quality Policy

Approved 17th January 2019

Board of Directors

The Environmental Management Authority is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of persons appointed in accordance with the Environmental Management Act, Chapter 35:05.

The Chairman and nine other members are appointed by the President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and are accountable to the Minister of Planning and Development. All members are drawn from the following disciplines or groups, namely, environmental management, ecology, environmental health, engineering, labour, community-based organisations, business, economics, public administration, law and non-profit environmental non-governmental organisations.

The Board appoints a Managing Director who is the Chief Executive Officer and an ex officio member. The Board selects from among its members a Deputy Chairman.

The Board also appoints a Corporate Secretary who is an employee of the Authority.


Mr. Hayden Romano

Managing Director / CEO
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