The ACE Space

What is Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE)?

Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) is a term adopted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to denote work under Article 6 (from the original text laid out in 1992) of the Convention and Article 12 of the Paris Agreement. The goal of ACE is to empower and educate all members of society to engage in climate action. The six pillars of ACE are the guiding principles through which we can achieve this and these pillars are Education, Training, Public Awareness, Public Participation, Public Access to Information and International Cooperation.

ACE in T&T

In April 2021, the Environmental Policy and Planning Division (EPPD) of the Ministry of Planning and Development requested that the Environmental Management Authority(EMA) nominate focal points for ACE. The Lead National Focal Point is Ms. Marcia Tinto and the Alternate National Focal Point is Mrs. Gillian Stanislaus. The Trinidad and Tobago’s ACE team’s primary role is centred around identifying gaps in alignment with the ACE pillars and priority areas, as well as monitoring and reporting on activities across all stakeholder groups in Trinidad & Tobago. We are focused on promoting linkages and connectivity and ensuring that these pillars are being implemented by the various stakeholders, hence the development of the ACE Space.

Pillars of ACE

Employing these six pillars are pivotal in building the capacity of our local community. This ensures that we are more equipped to identify solutions and build a climate-resilient society that aims to address the challenges of climate change locally and globally.


Eco Wash

Submission Area

Submitting project information to the ACE Space is an integral step towards promoting awareness and education about climate change and most importantly, climate action. It not only empowers our local communities but helps build linkages, enhancing coordination at all societal levels. By sharing information about your project, you are contributing to Trinidad and Tobago and the overall ACE programme’s goal of building a more sustainable future.

Please note that all information will be screened internally to ensure that it aligns with the pillars of ACE before it is shared on this platform.

Show us what you have been doing!

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